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Journals in Computer Science 2020 by Elsevier

Journals in Computer Science 2020 by Elsevier

Journals in Computer Science
By delivering first-class information and innovative tools, we continue to refine our portfolio to serve the research need of professionals, researchers and students worldwide.

We are proud to play an integral part in the computer science community and to participate in the advancement of this field. All our journals are available online via ScienceDirect, the essential information resource for over 14 million scientists worldwide.

During 2018, researchers submitted over 1.8 million research papers to Elsevier-based publications. Over 20,000 editors managed the peer review and selection of these papers, resulting in the publication of more than 470,000 articles in over 2,500 journals. Editors are generally unpaid volunteers who perform their duties alongside a full-time job in academic institutions, although exceptions have been reported.

In 2013, the five editorial groups Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE Publications published more than half of all academic papers in the peer-reviewed literature. At that time, Elsevier accounted for 16% of the world market in science, technology, and medical publishing.

Elsevier breaks down its revenue sources by format and by geographic region. About 44% of revenue by geography in 2018 derived from North America, 24% from Europe, and the remaining 32% from the rest of the world. Around 83% of revenue by format came from electronic usage and 17% came from print.

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