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Machine learning New invention in MIT

The machine learning  New invention in MIT with COVID-19 Testing 

MIT’s Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation hosted IdeaStream, an annual showcase of technologies being developed across MIT, online for the first time in the event’s 18-year history. Last month, more than 500 people worldwide tuned in each day to view the breakthrough research and to chat with the researchers.

Speakers from 19 MIT teams that received Deshpande grants presented their work, from learned control of manufacturing processes by Professor Brian Anthony, to what Hyunwoo Yuk of the Xuanhe Zhao Lab colloquially calls “surgical duct tape,” to artificial axons as a myelination assay for drug screening in neurological diseases by Anna Jagielska, a postdoc in the Krystyn Van Vliet Laboratory for Material Chemomechanics.

Machine Learning

Innovation does not come without risk, said Deshpande Center Executive Director Leon Sandler following the event. Much university research is not ready to spin out into companies, and investors won’t put money into it because it’s still too risky.

“By supporting early-stage research with funding, connecting researchers with deep-domain experts who can help shape it, maturing it to a point where it starts to be an attractive investment, you give it a chance to spin out,” he said. “You give it a chance to commercialize and make an impact on the world.

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